“Storytelling is the most powerful way to put ideas into the world today.” – Robert McKee

Have you ever noticed how a great story captures your attention and holds it for dear life? Or how even complex, challenging concepts can engage you when they unfurl as gripping yarns?

So have I.

That’s why telling great stories is what I do. And there’s so much to tell—because great stories are everywhere.

You have great stories. I can help you tell them.

The stories I tell come in all shapes and sizes:

Editorial articles
White papers
Website content
Corporate and personal profiles
Webinar scripts
Blog posts
Ghostwritten copy


“Try to leave out the part that readers tend to skip.” – Elmore Leonard

I write the way artists create collages: Start with lots of swatches, play with their placement and trim the excess until a story appears with clarity and concision. This fulfills me deeply, and I embrace every story I write as an opportunity to grow and help others do the same.

Whether creating collaboratively or independently, I listen, learn and communicate.

The stories I tell:

Explain complicated concepts.
Inspire action.
Illustrate a viewpoint.
Amplify a message.
Leave an impression.
Launch a mission.
Give your vision a voice.


I can tell stories about anything, but my favorite subjects include:

Food science and technology
Nutrition and wellness
Culinary arts
Sports nutrition and performance
Viticulture and enology
Personal care and beauty
Food and supplement regulation
Market and lifestyle trends


“Everything is copy.” – Nora Ephron

My first food-biz writing gig landed in my lap in 1998, when I was still studying food science and English at the University of California, Davis. All this time later, I continue putting my education to work.

Over the years, I’ve written for multiple publications, agencies, corporate and nonprofit clients, online media platforms—even cookbook authors looking for a saucy voice to accompany their recipes.

And while food and nutrition are my bread-and-butter topics, my mind regularly wanders to developments in fitness, healthy lifestyles, food and supplement regulation, personal care and beauty, market trends and more.

When I’m not telling stories? You might find me talking to strangers. Or listening to them. Or wiping out on a Bay Area trail. Or trying to improve my sleep hygiene. Or pairing esoteric wines with equally esoteric tinned fish. Or learning to love the Bulgarian split squat. Or not.


“The best preparation for good work tomorrow is to do good work today.” – Elbert Hubbard

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