“Storytelling is the most powerful way to put ideas into the world today.” – Robert McKee
Have you ever noticed how a great story captures your attention and holds it for dear life? Or how even complex, challenging concepts can engage you when they unfurl as gripping yarns?
So have I.
That’s why telling great stories is what I do. And there’s so much to tell—because great stories are everywhere.
You have great stories. I can help you tell them.

The stories I tell come in all shapes and sizes:

“Try to leave out the part that readers tend to skip.” – Elmore Leonard
I write the way artists create collages: Start with lots of swatches, play with their placement and trim the excess until a story appears with clarity and concision. This fulfills me deeply, and I embrace every story I write as an opportunity to grow and help others do the same.
Whether creating collaboratively or independently, I listen, learn and communicate.

The stories I tell:

I can tell stories about anything, but my favorite subjects include:

“Everything is copy.” – Nora Ephron
My first food-biz writing gig landed in my lap in 1998, when I was still studying food science and English at the University of California, Davis. All this time later, I continue putting my education to work.
Over the years, I’ve written for multiple publications, agencies, corporate and nonprofit clients, online media platforms—even cookbook authors looking for a saucy voice to accompany their recipes.
And while food and nutrition are my bread-and-butter topics, my mind regularly wanders to developments in fitness, healthy lifestyles, food and supplement regulation, personal care and beauty, market trends and more.
When I’m not telling stories? You might find me talking to strangers. Or listening to them. Or wiping out on a Bay Area trail. Or trying to improve my sleep hygiene. Or pairing esoteric wines with equally esoteric tinned fish. Or learning to love the Bulgarian split squat. Or not.
“The best preparation for good work tomorrow is to do good work today.” – Elbert Hubbard
Kim truly ‘gets it.’ Working with her is seamless, given her remarkable ability to transform the seed of an idea into a cohesive and vivid narrative backed by expert commentary. Collaborative, hardworking and always on the ball–is a writer you don’t want to miss in your publication.”
— Missy Green, editor, CNS Media B.V.
Kim is a great food-tech writer. She really digs deep into the subject matter and manages to extract crucial information from the experts. Even better, she can then turn their tech speak into language that anyone can understand.”
— Rachel Zemser, MS, CCS, CFS, and founder, A La Carte Connections
Kim is great with speaking to any clients. She makes them feel comfortable and trusting with the expertise she's able to bring to any program through her writing. Some of Kim’s most marketable skills are her communication, creative thinking, and of course her strong content writing skills. Kim is able to think ahead and think of things the client may not have considered to achieve the best results.”
She's also always very timely when it comes to scheduling or presenting deliverables. Kim brings great energy and excitement to projects. She’s able to be very personable and not hesitant to give her opinion on switching things up or what may work best.”
— Symone Anderson, content strategist, studioID
I can’t emphasize enough how critical Kim’s work has been in building the Nutritional Outlook brand, which has won numerous consecutive editorial awards over the years. Kim has been our leading freelance writer for a decade now. Her articles are usually our cover stories and some of the best content we publish. She has covered a wide range of topics for us, everything from personalized nutrition and health-condition-targeted stories to clinical research, regulatory issues, and technical pieces on equipment and manufacturing. Her writing is superb—incredibly engaging and entertaining while at the same time thoroughly researched, neatly woven, and accurate to a tee. But perhaps what is most notable about Kim is how much the people she interviews love working with her. They appreciate her work ethic and being featured in such high-caliber articles. She is an absolute pleasure to work with, always going above and beyond and extremely personable and responsive. I can’t recommend her work highly enough, for any industry.”
— Jennifer Grebow, Editor-in-Chief, Nutritional Outlook/MJH Life Sciences
Having worked with Kim often through the years, both fielding interview questions for clients for various publications as well as hiring her to write sponsored content, I unreservedly recommend her. While you expect a freelance writer in our space to grasp the issues and products and meet deadlines—and she does—Kim’s ability to find a fresh angle ensures her copy will be engaging as well as informative. And working with her is always such a pleasure.”
— Suzanne Shelton, founder, The Shelton Group
She’s a great writer, but would it kill her to call once in a while?”
— Nancy Decker, mother
“[O]f good writing (which, essentially, is clear thinking made visible) precision is the point of capital concern.” – Ambrose Bierce
Behold the stories I’ve told!